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  • Midnight rantings
    18 Jul 2003

    Isn't it funny how your mind works when you havent had the right amount of sleep. Me, i havent had a good nights rest in over two weeks. I get tired and my eyes grow heavy, yet sleep evades me and i toss and turn knowing i will eventually end up online talking to other ones who can't sleep. Or writing about the lack of sleep..... Anyways back to the works of the mind. It's interesting what one thinks when every thing is silent. Little demons of thought creep into the head and stir up all feelings and fears that had been hidden during the day and would have stayed hidden had the thinker only been able to sleep. Honestly, think of the things that you think of when the world around you is sleeping and you are wide awake. Where as most people would think of ways to slumber you may think of the hopelessness of the world or the state of the gov't. Things you would never give a thought to during the day suddenly seem important. You may even be like me and analyze the dicisions you had made during the day.
    "Did i say the right thing?" "Did i give so and so a bad impression?" and then your mind is reeling with unanswered questions. Questions that you dwell on until you make yourself sick with nervousness. And that only makes you stay up later and before you know it the sun is shinning, the people waking and you have a whole new set of problems to face. AAhh... some times i see no point. This shall end my sleep deprived, utterly self confusing thoughts.... at least for tonight.

    It was actually 4 in the morning when it was wrote, but the problems were the same. My mind was awake and the rest of me wasn't.