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  • Stay (Housecrash #555)
    28 Dec 2001

    I had to plumber my ears to
    knock your Sense out.
    My eyes redden to blind your
    defensive glares.
    I needed pvc wraps on
    my brains to stay them in.

    You rang words, you siren-ed
    for help.
    You sang songs of love screaming
    You laughed wisdom that sneered
    my name.
    You cried poetry grieving

    I yearned for stories..
    that could amaze.
    Lies, so white
    they are lame.
    For you, is there no passage,
    Truth without pain?

    Lens of different eyes could see the same,
    why do hearts that sound in one bleed and feign?
    Blood that runs bitter tastes only shame,
    poisons the heart, breaks life's strain.

    It is not my serving words that hold me still.
    It is you, my love that keeps me sealed.
    I love my blaming fingers, they let you poke at my heart,
    hate, my hungry curiosity that escapes my guard,
    to wonder if you wonder about me very very much.
    I have never loved pain this much.