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  • The Girl On The Knoll
    20 Dec 2001

    Blue stars are just a fingerpoint away,
    a raise of a heel sends me straight there.
    The momentary shut-eye beauty of you,
    the lingering smells coccooning my body
    caressing tresses, fingering my heartsong.

    Burning fields of daffodils send me across,
    flying and spinning from my standstill.
    The trusty twilights and the yawning suns
    nursing one thirsty soul yearning for a single drop
    of warmth, fading in longingness.

    Curtains of rains twisting into streams,
    nudging, elbowing, thrusting me.
    I lay, hands outstretched, cleansed.
    Cool, running but constant are you,
    searching and clasping, through my cold stiff hands,
    churning little pink bursts of love into their tips.