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  • 3 gifts
    4 Jun 2003

    3 gifts

    I cannot for the life of me recall where I have read or heard this before, but believe it or not, we are all bestowed with 3 gifts.

    We are all born into this world.
    So the first gift is very obviously the gift of life.

    The second is the gift of choice.
    Many of us often hear ourselves saying, "I had no choice, I was forced."
    What a crock of bull.
    We are all given the ability to choose.

    And the third gift is that of our own making. The gift of a wish; if you want something really badly enough and really wish hard enough for it. You will get it.

    Do you remember when you are young and you wished really hard for something? Some of us have used our wish, some not.
    Very common wishes are "I want to be rich, have lots of money…" I have heard tales of men who have wished for riches, and lo and behold, they have attained their wishes… they have riches beyond comprehension and all the material things that you could dare dream for. But in return for this wish being granted, they are no longer married. Their children care not for them.

    Do be careful of what you wish for, you may just get it.

    So what is your deepest desire, your most desired wish my dear friend?