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  • Words that everyone steals


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  • Things I Did Not Write


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  • Words are a love affair...
    22 Dec 2002

    Addictive little buggers, aren't they? Verbs, nouns, adjectives, conjunctions, transitive and intransitive, and group forms. English is by far and away one of the most complex, incredible languages ever developed.

    And I'm hooked.

    I barely pass my foreign language classes because my tongue refuses to cheat on my native language. Call it American arrogance if you want, or even American laziness. But I refuse to have an affair with another language's words...It'd be like cheating with your best friend's mate.

    My words flow and bob and weave in my mouth and I give them life. They mean something and project forward something...What it is...I'll never know...

    This isn't the best thing I've written, I'll tell you that...I signed up for this thing months ago and have only now gotten around to posting on it...Visit my blog instead...the writing is a bit better (Though, not this month)...Shamless self-promoter that I am...
