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    Imre Glaser
    2 Sep 2002

    Imre Glaser

    As I sit,
    Thoughts Enter; none pleasing.
    Why am I here?
    What do we do?
    What do I want?
    But none get answered

    As I sit,
    I watch.
    Watch the rows of sleeping bodies,
    Stacked above.

    I think:
    Why am I here?
    What do we do?
    What do I want?
    But none get answered

    As I sit,
    I wonder.
    Wonder about the little boy,
    Who lost his father
    Lost his mother,
    Lost all who loved him,
    Because of people like me

    I think:
    Why am I here?
    What do we do?
    What do I want?
    But none get answered

    A I sit,
    I remember.
    Remember the scenes of troops,
    Entering, conquering,
    Pillaging, killing,
    All for Glory.

    I think:
    Why am I here?
    What do we do?
    What do I want?
    But none get answered

    As I sit,
    I remind myself,
    Remind myself that the days of barbarians are over,
    No longer do I enter and conquer,
    No longer pillage and Kill.
    I help.

    I think:
    Why am I here?
    What do we do?
    What do I want?
    But none get answered

    As I sit,
    I remind myself.
    Remind that I am here to serve,
    To protect,
    I want to ensure sanctity,
    I want to look.
    Look in the eyes of the boy
    Who's known war all his life,
    And finally,
    Finally can know peace

    This is why I am here,
    This is what we do,
    This is what I want.

    As I sit,
    All are answered.