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  • You saw me
    26 May 2004

    Today I saw you after convincing myself that you no longer existed in my world. My heart tells a different tale as my dreams prove. Since that night that you denied knowledge of my feelings, the night when the love I felt and feel for you became another lie, I have dreamed of you every night. You have set camp in my subconscious; you are given to me through dreams every night. Tonight, you broke my heart for the millionth time; you looked through me when all I wanted you to do was acknowledge me. All the rage I felt before I walked into the bar, knowing that you too were going to be there, disappeared when I saw you. You danced and laughed with OUR friends, yet I felt like a stranger. Your cold indifference toward me confused me, all I wanted to do was kiss you, hold you, tell you that these last months have been torturous, that I'd missed you more than I could possibly explain but…..

    … ignored me, and flaunted you happiness to hurt me…….

    …..I'm hurting so much but I cant stop hating and loving with equal passion.