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    The WOLFF
    27 Aug 2004

    - Attempt to work out my thoughts

    There has been created a society that will let most people believe that they are free. To show that this is not the case, one should not generalize. Everything is in connection with each other. This is the complexity of the world we live in. Why aren't we free? Most people are trapped in the maze of economy, the government, the exploiters, but mostly themselves. The animal instinct, or to be more precise, the herd behavior. This didn't only created this society, but will also make sure that this society will destroy itself (economically) and that they will believe everything they hear / see / read. In the end this will make sure mankind will never rise above itself or above the animal (although most people believe the latter has already taken place).

    The history of our society: Our society has come into being after 2000 years of Christianity. Our society is based on it, especially when it comes to morality. Democracy is older and originates from ancient Greece. It did never work (the way it should… the people, the power), but we keep believing in it. There cannot be any other form, because any other form is evil or so are we told. Democracy stands for freedom, as is told to us, but what freedom do I have? That I'm allowed to vote on parties that won't listen. On governments who believe the economy can be saved by cutting funds for education. Of course they would, because this way less people will be able to create a good opinion of what is going on (Although I must say that I think it is necessary to change education on certain points). If only children of successful capitalists are able to have a good education, only new capitalists will be created.

    Unfortunately the economy can not be saved. On long term the economy will kill itself. Main reason: everything must be done to make more profit. The flaw: Cutting jobs here to give them somewhere else where the people are exploited. Here an employee would cost about 15 euro an hour, there they will cost about 30 eurocents. That's 14,70 less costs for the company per hour, but both persons won't be able to support themselves let alone a family. This doesn't happen per one or ten, but per hundreds or even thousands at a time. Why won't we oppose this? Because we need to work to hard, the jobs that are left force us to because they pay too little.

    But we do not only work hard for a living but also to fit in, to belong to the herd. Or to put it in another way: To follow the fashion (or deliberately not following it… it is also a herd). The slogan of the different lifestyles: Let us be different than everyone else and pick on people who aren't the same as us.

    Failed to completely work out my thoughts, still to complex