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  • Respect
    19 Oct 2005

    Respect. It's one of those words that we all know of, but don't really think about until it becomes an issue. Either we lose someone's respect or someone loses ours. Then the question becomes how important is it. Does it really matter if I respect someone or if they respect me?
    Trust on the other hand is something I know that is needed in a relationship. Trust with what though? The trust that they'll love you forever? That doesn't seem to be a reasonable expectation in my opinion. People change and grow and if you don't change and grow at the same time, you may not be suitable for one another after a certain point. So trust comes in where? Trust that they'll keep you secrets, and be there for you? That seems a little more close to respect than trust. Maybe the only thing needed is consideration. Be considerate to someone, take into account how they may feel and save yourself the trouble of realizing it afterwards. Of course you can never know exactly how someone feels, but it's better than not even thinking about it.