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Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Ted Elliot, Terry Rossio SWANN: Captain Norrington... I appreciate your fervor, but I am concerned about the effect this subject will have on my daughter. NORRINGTON: My apologies, Governor. ELIZABETH: Actually, I find it all fascinating. SWANN: And that's what concerns me.
SWANN: Elizabeth? How's it coming? ELIZABETH: Difficult ... to say. SWANN: I'm told that dress is the very latest fashion in London. ELIZABETH: Women in London must have learned to not breathe.
HARBORMASTER: If you're rolling scuppers in this tub, you're either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. JACK: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
MURTOGG: What's your name? JACK: Smith. MULLROY: What's your business in Port Royal, 'Mr. Smith'? MURTOGG: And no lies! JACK: None? Very well. You rumbled me. I confess: I intend to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, and go on the account, do a little honest pirating. MURTOGG: I said, no lies. MULLROY: I think he's telling the truth. MURTOGG: He's not telling the truth. MULLROY: He may be. MURTOGG: If he were telling truth he wouldn't have told us. JACK: Unless, of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth if he told you it.
NORRINGTON: Taking stock: you've got a pistol with only one shot, a compass that doesn't point north ... and no ship. You are without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of. JACK: Ah, but you have heard of me.
JACK: Gentlemen ... m'lady ... you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow. WILL: You cheated. JACK: Pirate.
NORRINGTON: Excellent work, Mister Brown. You've aided in the capture of a dangerous fugitive. BROWN: Just doing my civic duty. NORRINGTON: I believe you will always remember this as the day Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped.
ELIZABETH: Par... Parlay! PINTEL: What? ELIZABETH: Parlay! I invoke the right of parlay! According to the Code of the Brethern, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you must take me to your Captain! PINTEL: I know the code. ELIZABETH: If an adversary demands parlay, you can do them no harm until the parlay is complete. PINTEL: It would appear, so do you. SMOLDERING PIRATE: To blazes with the code!
KOEHLER: Well, well ... Look what we have here, Twigg. It's Captain Sparrow. TWIGG: Huh. Last time I saw you, you were all alone on a God-forsaken island, shrinking into the distance. I'd heard you'd gotten off, but I didn't believe it. KOEHLER: Did you sprout little wings and fly away? TWIGG: His fortunes aren't improved much. JACK: Worry about your own fortunes. The lowest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers ... and mutineers.
ELIZABETH: Our bargain..? BOSUN: Still the guns, and stow 'em! Signal the men, set the flags, and make good to clear port! ELIZABETH: Wait! You must return me to shore! According to the rules of the Order of the Brethen -- BARBOSSA: First. Your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement, and so I 'must' do nothing. Secondly: you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply. And you're not. And thirdly ... the code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner.
WILL: Someone will have heard that. Hurry. JACK: Not without my effects. WILL: We need to go! Why are brothering with that? JACK: My business, Will. As for your business -- one question, or there's no use going. This girl -- what does she mean to you? How far are you willing to go to save her? WILL: I'd die for her. JACK: Good.
JACK: Honest men are slaves to their conscience, and there's no predicting 'em. But you can always trust a dishonest man to stay that way... WILL: We're going to steal a ship? That ship? JACK: Commandeer. We're going to commandeer a ship. Nautical term. WILL: It's still against the law. JACK: So's breaking a man out of jail. Face it: you may say you'll never be a pirate, but you're off to a rip-roaring start. My advice -- smile and enjoy it.
WILL: This is either crazy, or brilliant. JACK: Remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
BARBOSSA: Do you not know what this is, then? ELIZABETH: It's a pirate medallion. BARBOSSA: It's a piece of the treasure of Isla de Muerta. Ah, so you don't know as much as you pretend. Back when Cortes was cutting a great bloody swath through the New World, a high priest gave him all the gold they had, with one condition: that he spare the people's lives. Of course, Cortes being Cortes, he didn't. He'd've made a great pirate, that one. So the priest, with his dying breath, called on the power of the blood of his people, and put on the gold a curse. If anyone took so much as a single piece, as he was compelled by greed, by greed he would be consumed. Within a day of leaving port for Spain, the treasure ship carrying the gold ... something went wrong. The ship run aground, every man aboard dead, save one. He survived long enough to hide the gold ashore. Over time, the dark magic of the curse seeped into the place, making it a cursed island. An island of death. Isla de Muerta. ELIZABETH: That's all very interesting, but I hardly believe in ghost stories anymore. BARBOSSA: You idiot girl! It's no make-believe! My crew and I, we found the gold, and we did more than take one piece, we took it all. Rich men we were and we spent it and traded it and gave it away in exchange for drink and food and pleasant company. But we found out: the drink could not sate us, and the food turned to ashes in our mouths, and no amount of pleasant company could ease our torment. We are cursed men, Miss Turner, condemned, to be forever consumed by our own greed. Gold calls to US, always, and we are driven, always, to find more, and add it to the treasure. There is but one way to remove the curse. All of the scattered pieces of the treasure must be restored in full, and the blood repaid. We've recovered every piece -- save for this. And as for the blood repaid ... that's what we have for you. And that's why there's no sense killing you. Yet.
BARBOSSA: Look! LOOK! The moonlight shows us for what we really are! We are not among the living and so we cannot die -- -- but neither are we dead! We have all the desires of the living, but cannot satisfy them! Ten years I have parched of thirst, and uable to quench it! Ten years, I have been starving to death -- and haven't died! And I have not felt anything for ten years ... Not the wind on my face, nor the spray of the sea ... nor the flesh of a woman ... You'd best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner. Because now you're in one.
WILL: My father -- was not -- a pirate! JACK: Put it away, Will. It's not worth getting beat again. WILL: You didn't beat me. You ignored the rule of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you. JACK: Then that's not much incentive for me to fight fair, is it?
JACK: As long as you're just hanging there, pay attention. Must, should, do, don't, shall, shall not -- those are just mere suggestions. There are only two absolute rules. What a man can do. And what a man can't do. For instance: you can accept that your father was a pirate and still a good man ... or you can't. Now me, I can sail this ship to Turga, by myself ... But I can't just let you drown. WILL: Tortuga? JACK: Oh -- did I forget to mention that?
GIBBS: Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot. Mother's love, Jack, you know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. It's bad luck! JACK: Well, fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink, and the man who was sleeping it drinks it while listening to a proposition. GIBBS: Aye, that'll about do it.
GIBBS: That fool will have us lose the canvas, and the masts besides! We'd best drop canvas, sir! JACK: She can hold a bit longer. GIBBS: What's in your head to put you in such a fine mood? JACK: We're catching up!
WILL: How do we expect to find an island no one can find -- with a compass that doesn't work? GIBBS: Now, lad, just because it don't point north don't mean it don't work. That compass gives bearings to the Isla de Muerta, wherever it may lay.
WILL: So ... what's the story on the pistol? GIBBS: I'll tell lee. Now, Jack Sparrow has an honest streak in him, and that's where the whole problem starts. This was when he was Captain of the Black Pearl -- WILL: What? He never told me that. GIBBS: Ah -- he's learned, then. Plays things more close to the vest. See, Jack was a cartographer, back in Old England. Somehow he came by the money to commission the Pearl. Hired himself a crew, promised each man an equal share. So, they're forty days out, and the First Mate says, everything's an equal share, that should mean the location of the island, too. So Jack gave up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. Jack gave hisself up for the sake of his loyal crew. He was marooned on an island, left there to die. WILL: How did he get off the island? JACK: I didn't! My body's still there, rotting away, and I am but a ghost! GIBBS: How did you get off the island? JACK: Ah, that's a dark and unpleasant tale, best left untold.
WILL: Wait -- what about the pistol? JACK: The pistol. When a pirate is marooned, Will, he's given a pistol with a single shot. No good for hunting, or surviving, really. But after three weeks of starvation and thrist -- the option of that pistol begins to look good. But I survived. And I still have that single shot. It's meant for one man. My mutinous first mate-- WILL: Barbossa.
WILL: I'm glad we got here in time. ELIZABETH: Truthfully -- you were a bit late. JACK: The trick isn't getting here, it's getting away.
GIBBS: Two women on board? A man don't have to be superstitious to know that's trouble. WILL: She goes free! BARBOSSA: What's in your head, boy? WILL: She. Goes. Free. BARBOSSA: You've got one shot -- and we can't die. WILL: You can't. I can.
BARBOSSA: Jack, Elizabeth ... I'm a man of my word and you're to be set free, right quick. Men, break out the plank! WILL: No! You gave your word! BARBOSSA: Quiet, boy, or you'll lose your tongue. Those as know me know I wouldn't cross my word, and bring down bad luck on the ship. I agreed to set them free. I didn't when ... nor where.
ELIZABETH: But ... you did it before! Last time -- JACK: Last time, I was here a grand total of three days. Last time, the rumrunners who used this island as a cache came by, and I bartered passage off. But from the looks of this, they've been out of business, and so that won't be happening again. We probably have your friend Norrington to thank for that. ELIZABETH: So that's it? That's the secret grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow? You spent three days on the beach drinking rum? JACK: Welcome to the Caribbean, love.
JACK: What are you doing? You've burned our food, the shade -- the rum! ELIZABETH: Yes, the rum is gone. JACK: Why? ELIZABETH: One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into scoundrels. Two -- That signal is over a thousand feet high, which means it can be seen for two hundred leagues in every direction. The entire Royal Navy is out to sea looking for me -- do you think there is even a chance they could miss it? JACK: You -- you burned up the island, for a one-time chance at being spotted? ELIZABETH: Exactly.
WILL: What happened to William Turner? PINTEL: Ah, William Turner. Stupid blighter. He threw in with us after we relieved Jack Sparrow of his captaincy, but turned out, it never sat well with him -- particularly after we found Cortes' treasure, and its peculiar condition. He thought we deserved to be cursed, for leaving ol' Jack to the fate we did. That's why he sent off a piece of the treaure -- to you, as it were: so it would never be recovered, and so cursed we remain. WILL: And then he ran. And he's hiding out someplace where you haven't been able to find him. PINTEL: That's a nice thought, to be sure, and I wager your da wishes he'd thought it hisself. But, no. See, what he'd done, didn't sit too well with Captain Barbossa ... so he chained a cannon to his legs and dumped him over. Yep, last I saw of Bootstrap Bill, was his face looking up, as he sank down to the crushing black oblivion of Davy Jones' locker. It was only after, we found out we needed his blood to solve the curse. That's what you call ironic.
NORRINGTON: I don't like the situation, Mister Sparrow. The island is riddled with caves. I will not put my men at a disadvantage. JACK: Funny, I was thinking along those lines. How about you let me go in alone, and while you're setting up an ambush, I'll trick the pirates out to you. NORRINGTON: You would do that? JACK: They left me stranded. Twice. What have you got to lose? NORRINGTON: Nothing I wouldn't be please to be rid of. JACK: I knew you'd listen to reason!
WILL: You've been planning this from the beginning. Since you learned my name. JACK: Oh, please -- did I really seem that clever?
BARBOSSA: Just so you know, Jack -- I don't think you're that clever. I think you're a fool. A mortal fool. JACK: Remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
BARBOSSA: So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals, locked in epic battle until the trumpets of Judgement Day? JACK: Or you could surrender.
WILL: Well, you're the worst pirate I've ever heard of. You're a man who can be trusted, who can be counted on, and who can't betray his friends. What kind of pirate is that? JACK: The worst. On the other hand, maybe I'm a man who can't pass up a chance for revenge against the black-hearted bastard who stole my ship and left me to die in the middle of the ocean -- twice! -- and who knows how to get what he wants. Now that's a great pirate.
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