![]() Deux Ex Machina (119) |
Season 1 Pilot (1) Pilot (2) Tabula Rasa Walkabout White Rabbit House Of The Rising Sun The Moth Confidence Man Solitary Raised By Another All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues Whatever The Case May Hearts And Minds Special Homecoming Outlaws ... In Translation Numbers Deux Ex Machina Do No Arms The Greater Good Born To Run Exodus (1) Exodus (2) Exodus (3) Season 2 Man of Science, Man of Faith Adrift Orientation Everybody Hates Hugo ... And Found Abandoned The Other 48 Days Collision What Kate Did The 23rd Psalm The Hunting Party Fire & Water The Long Con One of Them Maternity Leave The Whole Truth Lockdown Dave SOS Two for the Road ? Three Minutes Live Together, Die Alone Season 3 A Tale of Two Cities The Glass Ballerina Further Instructions Every Man for Himself The Cost of Living I Do Not in Portland Flashes Before Your Eyes Stranger in a Strange Land Tricia Tanaka is Dead Enter 77 Par Avion The Man from Tallahassee Exposé |
LOCKE: How do you open a hatch that has no handle, no latch, and no discernible way of opening it? BOONE: You want my opinion... there's no way to open this hatch. LOCKE: Boone, you gotta have some faith. All we've gotta do is break the glass, and then we're in. The trebuchet delivers half a ton of force. BOONE: Why do they call it a trebuchet? It looks like a catapult. LOCKE: It's called a trebuchet, Boone, because it's a trebuchet. BOONE: I don't get you, man. One minute you're quoting Nietzsche, now all of a sudden you're an engineer. I don't think I can spell 'trebuchet'. LOCKE: There's a "t" on the end.
SAWYER: You're sure? Because this is the one I've been using, and nothing's happening. SUN: I'm sorry it's not helping. KATE: What's not helping? SAWYER: Nothing. Thanks anyway. Nice garden. KATE: What was that all about? SUN: He has headaches. KATE: Doesn't the guy have, like, a truckload of aspirin stashed away somewhere?
JACK: I hear you're having trouble with your head. SAWYER: What, now she's got you making house calls? JACK: Sensitive to the light, too, huh? SAWYER: You know what? I'm sensitive to you.
BOONE: He was a priest. How long do you think he's been dead? LOCKE: Normally, clothing would completely decompose within two years, but this is high-quality polyester. It could be two years, it could be ten. BOONE: Wow. LOCKE: Gold teeth -- obviously well-off. BOONE: What kind of money is that? LOCKE: Nigerian Naira. BOONE: What's a Nigerian priest doing on an island in the South Pacific? LOCKE: I'm not so sure he's a priest.
JACK: Do you have them when you wake up in the morning? SAWYER: Usually they hit me middle of the day. What the hell are you doing with that thing? JACK: Checking to see how your pupils respond to changing stimuli. SAWYER: What's that -- that nod? KATE: Would you just let him do his thing? SAWYER: I'm letting him, but I wanna know what the hell he thinks I sh-- JACK: I think you should just shut up and relax. SAWYER: What the hell are you doing? JACK: Have you ever had a blood transfusion? SAWYER: What? No. JACK: Taken pills for malaria? SAWYER: Nope. JACK: Have you ever had sex with a prostitute? SAWYER: What the hell's that got to do with anything? JACK: Is that a yes? SAWYER: Yes. JACK: And have you ever contracted a sexually transmitted disease? JACK: I take that as another yes. When was the last outbreak? SAWYER: Go to hell, doc. KATE: I know he deserved it, but -- JACK: He needs glasses.
BOONE: What is wrong with you? Are you crazy? LOCKE: I was in a wheelchair. BOONE: What? LOCKE: I was paralyzed for four years. The plane -- our plane -- I was in that chair when we took off, but not after we crashed. BOONE: Why were you in a wheelchair? LOCKE: It doesn't matter anymore. But this island ... it changed me. It made me whole. Now it's trying to take it back, and I don't know why. But it wants me to follow what I saw. BOONE: What? LOCKE: I know it sounds crazy. Four weeks ago, I wouldn't have believed it myself, but you and I are here for a reason. There's something that we were meant to find -- something that's gonna help us get into the hatch. I know it. But we gotta keep going.
SAWYER: If you're looking for a stool sample, you can forget it. JACK: You've been reading a lot since we came to the island. SAWYER: Okay, so what? JACK: You, uh, you've got, uh, you've got hyperopia. SAWYER: Hyperopia? That's, uh ... What is that? JACK: You're farsighted. SAWYER: Farsighted? JACK: Yeah. It can develop later in life, especially when you add a new strain to the eyes, like with reading. SAWYER: Blurry. JACK: Better or worse? SAWYER: Worse. SAWYER: Unh-unh. No way. JACK: Sawyer, it's not a fashion show.
BOONE: You wanna know what's in your damn plane, Locke? Here's your sign. They're drug smugglers, Locke. Heroin -- that's all that's in here. KATE: So, did you know before or after you asked him about his latest outbreak? JACK: Well, I'd answer that, Kate, but, you know, doctor-patient confidentiality. KATE: Of course. Thank you for helping him. I know it's probably the last thing you wanted to do. JACK: I didn't do it for him.
NURSE: I think what you did was so kind. LOCKE: Where's my father? NURSE: Who? LOCKE: We had the transplant together. NURSE: I didn't know he was your father. LOCKE: We don't have the same last name, but ... where is he? NURSE: Mr. Cooper checked out this afternoon. He went back home. He's under private care. LOCKE: That doesn't make any - why? -- Did he leave me a message? NURSE: No, not that I know of.
EMILY LOCKE: It was his idea. I'm sorry, John. LOCKE: What are you doing here? EMILY LOCKE: I needed some money. He's always been good that way. Your father's always been generous. LOCKE: You told me I didn't have a father. EMILY LOCKE: Well, he said that was the only way you would give it to him. It had to be your idea. He told me where to find you. He-he asked me to go see you. I wanted to see you. LOCKE: This can't be happening. This - this is a misunderstanding. Oh. This can't -- this can't happen to me.